Jay FM
Jay FM hails from the west of Ireland and has been producing music spanning many genres for over the last decade. He cut his teeth in the SectionZ underground music community, which nurtured many talented artists, including Deadmau5 and Savant to name but a few. He has developed his own distinctive style of music, displaying attention to detail and diverse skills throughout his compositions. His releases to date have mainly focused on the House genre with emphasis on a solid groove with slick melodic progressive features, and also Chillout and Ambient compositions, blending atmospheric and emotive melodies to relax the body and soul.
Jay FM Releases
Spaced OutJay FM
Skin DeepJay FM
New DimensionJay FM
ObsessionJay FM
Follow Your DreamsJay FM
This MomentJay FM
TimelessJay FM
MoonlightJay FM feat. Andrea Willson
Emotion In MotionJay FM